Thanks for reading and following. This blog will document Ryan & Allie's journey to become parents via adoption. Please read posts below, subscribe via email on the right side of the page, and consider donating to our cause. We estimate costs to total close to $30,000 and we need your help!

Mammoth Garage Sale

Garage Sale: May 1-3

We are hosting a Mammoth Garage Sale at Ryan's parents house and our goal is to make the front yard look like a FEMA relief camp. We are actively seeking donations so as you begin your Spring cleaning, please let Ryan & Allie know if there are any items you'd like to put towards this cause. Our home is in Anoka and you can certainly drop them off. If you are unable to get up there, contact Ryan ( to arrange a time for pick-up.

Items you can donate: electronics, furniture, clothing, toys, tools, kitchenwares, home decor, pretty much ANYTHING around the home!

 Items you can lend: we will need TABLES and CANOPIES for the sale itself. If you have any we can borrow, let us know!

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