Thanks for reading and following. This blog will document Ryan & Allie's journey to become parents via adoption. Please read posts below, subscribe via email on the right side of the page, and consider donating to our cause. We estimate costs to total close to $30,000 and we need your help!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Fundraiser dates announced!

Fundraiser Dates:

Garage Sale: May 1-3
    -we are opening the flood gates and accepting any and all donations you may have for the garage sale. Contact Ryan via email below to arrange a time to exchange any items you'd like to donate. Whether you have a pile of stuff to get rid of now or later as you do Spring cleaning, let us know. We'll gladly accept everything (toys, clothing, furniture, electronics, home decor, electronics, movies, games, tools)

Photo Shoot: May 10 & 18
   -we're VERY excited about this fundraiser. We've gotten TONS of interest from friends & family but remember that these photo sessions are open to everyone and your help spreading the word will be greatly appreciated. In a month or so, we'll provide a website where people can sign up for a time slot. As a reminder, these will be 20 minute mini sessions with a professional photographer for a suggested minimum donation of $60. The digital files will be emailed to the email used on the signup website. We have multiple photographers on board, 2 days of shoots, and a great location in mind so once the signup is open, there will be lots of time slots to fill and make this fundraiser a success!

Ryan -

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Paperwork...and more paperwork!

About a week ago we started all the paperwork for our background check and home study. They want to know everything...even the dogs medical records! So it has been fun and draining to get all the necessary paperwork together but we are over half way done! Once all the paperwork is in and processed, we will meet with a social worker. So we are making good progress!

As far as the fundraisers...we are almost ready to announce the dates for the Mammoth Garage Sale and Photo Shoot Fundraiser. I think it is safe to tell you that they will be sometime in May.

Continually amazed to see God's hand in this,
Allie & Ryan

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Support Letter

As part of our fundraising process and to keep everyone informed, we sent out support letters. We may not have had everyone's addresses so we're posting it here.

Dear family & friends,

On Thursday, December 12th, we (Ryan & Allie) embarked on a new adventure. We made the decision to move forward with adopting a baby boy or girl! Since before marriage, adoption was always part of our plan for our family and over the last four months our excitement around bringing a baby into our lives has grown. We researched several organizations online and decided to work with Lifetime Adoption. (

The first questions we’ve been getting from people are “are you not able to have kids?” or “why adoption?” Our decision to adopt has never been influenced by our ability to have kids; in fact we discussed it prior to getting married as something we were both interested in. We have several friends, family members, and co-workers in our lives that have adopted or were adopted themselves and it’s something we feel compelled to be a part of. The idea of caring for a child who is either unwanted or unable to be cared for by their birth parents is a very real way we can live out the love we feel we’ve been called to live out in our faith walk.

With Lifetime Adoption, we are pursuing a domestic infant adoption which means we will be presented to birth mothers within the US who are currently pregnant and know they are going to put their baby up for adoption.

The two main reasons we decided on Lifetime are 1) because there is no loss of time or money if Allie were to become pregnant during the adoption process. Other organizations make you start from scratch and forfeit all monies paid. and 2) because they seem to have a very long track record of successful adoptions and service the entire US which means there is a higher chance of being matched with a birth mother quickly once we are in the waiting pool of adoptive parents.

We’re writing you hoping that as our family & friends you might be willing to support us in this journey. Prayers and encouragement are very much appreciated as this will likely be a journey filled with many emotions, praises, and setbacks. Additionally, we’re asking that you might consider supporting us financially. The total costs of this adoption will be around $30,000. While that is a very large number, know that ANY amount you might be able to give will go a long ways. In addition to asking for direct support from our friends and family, we hope to find funding through adoption grants and fundraisers.

PLEASE NOTE: There are a couple nuances to financing our adoption. In order to begin applying for adoption grants, we need to have a Home Study done. This costs about $3,000 and takes a month to complete. Our immediate goal is to raise that amount as quickly as possible and complete the home study so we can begin seeking out additional funding via grants. Also, Lifetime will not begin showing us to birth mothers until their fee is paid in full. For these reasons, we’re asking that if you plan to give financially that you would do so by January 31st. It will also help guide us in our decisions for additional fundraisers in the Spring. However, support will still be appreciated after January as well. How do I send money? If you choose to support us financially...sincerely, THANK YOU. This is a huge undertaking and we appreciate your support. To give by check, please make them payable to Ryan & Allie Veil and send to our home at 2539 11th Ave, Anoka MN 55303. You can also contribute by credit card via PayPal on our blog You can enter any amount and you don’t even need a PayPal account to do it. (by clicking on Continue under the “Don’t Have A PayPal Account?” heading on the left side of the page.)

How do I keep up to date? We have set up a blog at On the right hand side of the screen there’s a place to enter your email address so you will be notified every time there’s a new post. Don’t worry, it won’t be every day

FUNDRAISERS: For those of you who are local to the Minneapolis/St Paul area, please look over our upcoming fundraisers. We’ll be relying on you to help spread the word and help make them as successful as possible.

1) Mammoth Garage Sale To End All Garage Sales: Friends of ours hosted a similar garage sale to raise money for their adoption and raised $4,000! We hope to duplicate their success and we need your help. Throughout the Winter and as you begin Spring cleaning, please remember that we have this garage sale coming up. ANY and ALL items will be accepted (clothing, games, toys, furniture, electronics, tools, cookware, etc) and we can even pick up from your home. Spread the word to your friends and coworkers that if they’re looking to get rid of things around the home, here’s a great way to do so. It’s going to be epic!

2) Photo Shoot Fundraiser: Sometime this coming Spring, we’ll be hosting a photo shoot fundraiser. For a suggested minimum donation of $60 you and your family, pets, kids, etc can get a 20 minute photo shoot with one of Studio Veil’s professional photographers! We’ll also touch up the photos and then supply the digital files to you to print wherever you like. There will be a specific location (a park most likely) and a specific 1 or 2 days the shoots will take place. Closer to the Spring, we’ll provide an online signup for specific time slots and ask that you help spread the word to everyone you know. For only $60 (regularly over $300), this is a GREAT deal for anyone AND you’re helping us in a significant way.

There are so many details that can’t fit into this letter and I’m sure you have questions as well. Please feel free to contact either of us via Facebook, email, or phone.

Sincerely, Ryan & Allie Veil

Ryan - (651) 238-6761
Allie - (763) 670-2119