Thanks for reading and following. This blog will document Ryan & Allie's journey to become parents via adoption. Please read posts below, subscribe via email on the right side of the page, and consider donating to our cause. We estimate costs to total close to $30,000 and we need your help!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Adoption Info

Not everyone has significant exposure to the world of adoption. I think many of us have those Lifetime movies in mind where kids were adopted or switched at birth and some sort of crazy drama results. The truth is that most adoptions these days are OPEN adoptions, meaning the child knows who their birth mother is and sometimes birth father as well. Knowing their birth parents and understanding the adoption process from the beginning helps kids to not have those "who am I" feelings.

In our adoption process, we're expecting that the birth mother will want an open adoption. For us, that will likely mean that we send photos and letters from time to time and they may even come for a visit annually. Please begin praying for whoever that birth mother is. Pray that she would be at peace with her eventual decision to put her child up for adoption and for choosing us as parents for her child. Pray also that when that day comes, we would have a good relationship with her.

There's all sorts of assumptions and myths about adoption. Check out this graphic...

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Photo Shoot Fundraiser sign-up is LIVE!

In case you've been under a rock for the last three months or just ignoring Allie & I, we're adopting a baby! The sad truth of the adoption process is that it's incredibly expensive. We have two fundraisers planned to help with that. One of them is this photo shoot fundraiser! It's taking place on Saturday May 10th and Sunday May 18th.

While we won't be using one of these cameras specifically, this is a great opportunity to get professional photos for a very reasonable price. We are asking a minimum donation of $60 and you get a 20 minute mini session with experienced photographers and retouched digital files print ready. This kind of session would likely go for $300 or more with many photographers. There are lots of time slots available and we'll be opening up more if we start to fill up.

Sign up for your time slot early so we know how many people we should expect.


Thanks for reading. Please know that even if you aren't participating in this fundraiser directly, you can share this with friends, family, co-workers, etc as it's a great deal for anyone to take advantage of!

Ryan & Allie

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The baby room....Well, kinda...

Now that our paperwork is in to the agency that will be conducting our home study, we've had a little more free time on our hands. Our excitement has started to turn to the BABY ROOM! Below is a before picture of the baby's room (currently known as the Lucy room).

As you can tell, it's not quite ready yet. Studio Veil is moving into a larger office this week. Then we can move a bunch of business related items out of the house and into the office. THEN, we'll have the space needed to turn this Lucille Ball shrine into a baby room.

While we don't know the gender of the baby, or when they are coming, or much of ANYTHING for that matter, we certainly welcome input on color schemes you've seen & liked, nursery ideas, brand names for baby items you recommend, etc. Leave comments below!